What is God doing on the earth? How can I co-labor with the Lord to be an effective warrior in this hour?
Let’s begin by revisiting the word of the Lord. “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was formless and void.” God spoke to the chaos. “Let there be light.” Genesis reveals that darkness was covering the earth. The creative spoken word set divine order into the earth. Our greatest weapon is our voice! In this critical hour, some things remain the same. As you and I are endeavoring to be used of the Lord, let the church of God arise and decree and declare peace over the nations. Job 22:28 says, “You shall decree a thing and it shall be established.” A decree is an official order issued by a legal authority. All authority has been released to us, His bride (John 14:12). “For we are God's handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.” (Eph 2:10) What shall we say? What shall we pray? First, “Ask of me, and I shall give you the nations as your inheritance and the uttermost parts of the earth as your possession.” (Ps 2:8) Second, pray I the spirit (Rom 8:26). “The spirit Himself intercedes for us with groanings which cannot be uttered.” I preached a message a month ago about our spirit language being critical in this hour. There is a fresh release of diverse tongues coming upon watchmen and intercessors. Our language, our voice (tongues) is like a rudder on a ship setting its course. (James 3:1-12) Prayer in the spirit is your greatest gift in these days! Use it! Lastly, when you have a revelation of the goodness of God, your current perception of your existence makes sense! We have been positioned here on the earth at this time and for this hour. Esther’s arise! Watchmen watch! Sound the alarm! Let your voice bring the earth into divine alignment with heaven! To know the goodness of God is to understand His Glory. When Moses asked to see His Glory, God said, “I will make my goodness pass before you.” “For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea.” (Hab 2:14) The goodness of God shall be revealed as we perceive, receive, and uphold the knowledge of God’s goodness, the people of the earth shall rejoice. Fear, terror, and desperation of world events shall be overshadowed by God’s goodness as we decree, pray with our spirit language, and release the goodness of our God. The onslaught of the enemy is to discredit the character of God. We are to speak forth with our authority and pray the same to see the kingdoms of this world become the kingdoms of our God! (Rev 11:15) I have personally consecrated 2022 to the ministry of prayer and intercession as my highest priority. Ask Holy Spirit what your assignment is in this key moment in history. History belongs to the intercessors! Love, Ruth
All is calm, all is bright. That’s what I keep hearing in my spirit lately. Silent night, holy night. The Christmas season is once again upon us. How are we? Let’s be honest; how are we REALLY? Is our spirit calm or is it nervous, stressed, fearful? Is our personal outlook bright or is the dark and eerie? Do we have that unsettled feeling and can’t put our finger on why?
Especially this Christmas there can be all kinds of reasons we may not feel very calm and bright. The busyness of the season can be the #1 reason. We want everything at Christmas to be perfect, whether it’s the gifts we buy for others, the food we serve, or the parties we attend. Sometimes we expect too much and then we’re disappointed. This year we’re once again still feeling the affects of the pandemic and that may have brought fear into our lives. Jobs may have been lost or even family and friends have been lost. No matter how much cocoa we drink and Hallmark movies we watch, we just can’t get into the True Spirit of Christmas. Where’s the joy? If you are not calm inside and your outlook isn’t bright, maybe it’s coming from inside us and not external circumstances at all. It is SO easy to get distracted and this year has been one where the enemy has been hard at work bringing distractions. BUT JESUS!! We’re about to finish out this year 2020 and we’re still standing! We may be a little tattered and torn, but we made it to this season and Jesus came on that first silent and holy night so that we can stand and proclaim His goodness. He came that we may have life and live it abundantly. What love! What grace! What hope! Don’t rush through these glorious days celebrating the coming of Jesus. Soak up all of Jesus you can contain. Then we will spill over onto those desperately needing Him. May our hearts beat out of our chests as we experience His love; others will feel that heartbeat coming from us, and they want it too! Let’s turn our hearts toward our Savior. If we’ve moved away, let’s return to our First Love. He loves us completely and came to bring us immeasurable love and joy. We see Him when we look at our children’s and grandchildren’s face as they laugh uncontrollably, and we find ourselves beginning to laugh along with them. They are so carefree and trusting. Oh, that we’d be like a child again. Even the busyness can be filled with joy! It’s all about perspective. Jesus is the reason for the season so let’s keep Him at the center of all we do, whether we’re baking, making lists, and checking them twice, running errands, or pondering all He has meant to us through this trying year. Let’s look at that glass of eggnog and say it is half full; or better yet, let’s say it’s completely full! Let’s decree and declare that the fear out in the streets will not cross over the threshold of our hearts and homes. Let’s not give it any legal entry. Let’s be intentional about being full of everything He came to bring…love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control! When we are fully full of Him, we can then spill over onto others who desperately need to know His love. Impact Ministry prays you and yours know His complete love this Christmas; that you would be full of His love and grace. We pray that even in the difficulties you may be facing, He is your Strength and Great Comforter. Ruth and the team at Impact love you completely and pray blessings over you now and in the days ahead. For of His fullness, we have all received, and grace upon grace. “For of His fullness we have all received, and grace upon grace.” (John 1:16) Also, Ruth asks that I share with you how very grateful she is for such an outpouring of love, intercession and support she has received in the days following Andy’s passing. She has felt it from all of you. Much Love and Many Blessings, Donna Key I was listening to the radio this week while on a drive and they announced it was the first day of fall! I had no idea because the summer has been a blur to me and the days and weeks have seemed to all run together!
Grace is a powerful thing and God’s presence even more so. Zoom has become my pulpit and home my workplace. Transitioning from busy days and nights to solitude and isolation has taught me many things about myself and the sustaining power of God. Prophets and prophetic ministers live for the mountaintop experiences with God. We thrive as we ascend and see life through heaven’s perspective. Clarity brings understanding and joy fills our hearts. I have found in this homebound season that I vacillate between the mountains and the valleys. I have felt His presence, His grace, and His power in both places. Mornings I set out to retreat to my prayer room where the presence of the Lord is tangible. I could linger till evening if the duties of life were nonexistent. I am lost in His glory, and the earthen realm becomes distant and fading. But somewhere along the way I am beckoned by an urgent need, a physician’s report or an appointment that can’t wait. And so I shift, sometimes grudgingly, into servant mode. Georgian Banov made a statement at our church years ago that profoundly impacted my life. He said of his own life and ministry, “God takes me to the highest places in Him so He can take me to the lowest places in the earth.” His purpose in life was to visit every garbage dump in the world. I believe in this season on the earth we to are learning how to appreciate both the high and the low places in God. We may not visit garbage dumps, but the impoverished are all around us, and some are in our own families. Some are in our once daily visitations with the Lord. Cancer came knocking at the door of my home, and my once daily visitations with the Lord became daily visits with oncologists and treatment centers. Yes, daily. My life was being redefined. The prophetic voice within me became silenced and I began to be surrounded by the medical community instead of the Body of Christ. I had to look to find the face of Jesus in ER visits. Prophets are being redefined. We thrive in the Glory but are called to serve and to love unconditionally. Until we see him face to face, we will do so out of obligation rather than pure compassion. I used to think of myself as not having the gift of mercy. But life with God can take us down unexpected twists and turns to work His heart in us to become the mature sons and daughters we were called to be. So, mercy touched me. Now it is possible to go low and meet the needs of the broken around me with a willing and joyful heart! The needs on the earth are so great right now that unless we intentionally find our secret place and solitude in His presence, we will cave to frustration and anger. So, in essence, the message I want to convey is this: Ascend to the high places while not discounting the value of the low places. Jesus walked among the people during the day while communing with the Father at night. Delight in the Glory yet stoop low to wash feet. Learn to appreciate the high places and the low places. Ascend and descend. We need both to understand the ways of God. One of the most fruitful ministry assignments I have ever had has been serving my husband during his darkest moments. And for you, my friends, as you aspire to minister, you will find your greatest assignments in the most unexpected places. Blessings always and with much love, Ruth P.S. I also want you to know that I am still serving as a leader in several ministries besides Impact Ministry of the Triad. I continue to be a co-leader in the Southeast Prophetic Network. I am on the leadership team of Women on the Frontlines, as well as Stacey Campbell’s Shiloh Company Mentorship Team. Thank you so much to my partners for your monthly support to Impact and the other ministries I am involved in and to all of you for your continued prayers for these ministries and especially for Andy and me during this difficult season. God is always faithful. I invite you to consider becoming a monthly partner with Impact Ministry of the Triad and you may do so at www.impactministrytriad.com and click “Donate.” This is the word the Lord gave to me as I pondered what He was speaking on a recent morning in His presence.
In seasons of uncertainty, or the “presumed” silence of God, we are tempted to resolve situations and circumstances that we think need tending to out of our own presumption, impatience, or other reasons. These can be issues with ministry and family, direction needed, etc. In the “waiting room” of God, it is precisely that, the waiting room. As waiting on the Lord can be unnerving and frustrating, it actually thrusts us into a room of faith, if we choose to rest during the process. In essence, waiting is the highest level of faith as we gaze upon the “one” who holds the answer. It engages us into wonder and anticipation that His resolution can be markedly different from our earthly perception. Consider all the uncertainties 2020-2021 has brought with the election, the vaccine, mask or no mask; when will it all end? Will church reopen and when and what will it look like? All ministries came to a grinding halt. Now what? Bewilderment and frustration came knocking at our doors. Many felt ill-prepared for the season at hand. I am reminded of Ex. 14:74 that says, “The Lord will fight for you while you keep silent. (NASB) Is. 40:31 says, “Those that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength, they will mount up with wings like eagles. And I love this beautiful scripture: “Now you are ready, my bride, to come with me as we climb the highest peaks together. Come with me through the archway of trust.” Song of Sol 4:8 (TPT) Please keep my husband Andy and I in prayer as we face a cancer diagnosis with upcoming treatments. We are confident in the Lord’s goodness and faithfulness. And my precious partners, please send me your prayer requests on the Facebook Mentoring Page. I want to see breakthrough in any area you have need; you are such a gift to my life. Love, Ruth PRING IS AWAKENING!!!
I have been stirred in my heart for many days now and want to share a word with you about this coming season. It has been almost a full year since the lockdown started. When it first began, the Lord began summoning people to intercede and stand in the gap. Millions responded. This was a sovereign call by the Spirit of God to raise up watchmen to pray for the nation and the nations of the earth. Little did we know the turmoil that was brewing on the horizon. As much as we were unprepared and "surprised" by what transpired in 2020, so shall it be this coming spring. There is the fire of awakening in the land! I had a vision over the weekend where I saw the fire of God consuming people. These were the ones crying, "Here I am, send me." He was responding to their hearts of consecration. Many are being called to extended times of fasting and prayer. These are the ones who are willing to pay the price and sacrifice their lives on the altar. They will not be distracted nor deterred by the lies of the enemy nor the voices of despair and discouragement. They don’t have the answers, but they become the answers. The earth is awaiting these burning, passionate ones. I sense the fire of God on me as I pen this word. Many of you are so passionate about souls, the sick, the broken and the backslider and you will be compelled by the love of God to pay the price. You will carry the torch, sound the alarm, and carry the fire of God! "The season has changed, the bondage of your barren winter has ended, and the season of hiding is over and gone. The rains have soaked the earth and left it bright with blossoming flowers. The season for singing and pruning the vines has arrived. I hear the cooing of doves in our land, filling the air with songs to awaken you and guide you forth. Can you not discern this new day of destiny breaking forth around you? The early signs of my purposes and plans are bursting forth. The budding vines of new life are now blooming everywhere. The fragrance of their flowers whispers, ‘There is change in the air.’ Arise, my love, my beautiful companion, and run with me to the higher place. For NOW is the time to arise and come away with me.” Song of Solomon 2:11-13 TPT Love, Ruth “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore, we will not fear, even though the earth be removed and though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea; though its waters roar and be troubled, though the mountains shake with its swelling. Selah. There is a river whose streams shall make glad the city of God, the holy place of the tabernacle of the Most High. God is in the midst of her, she shall not be moved; God shall help her, just at the break of dawn. The nations raged, the kingdoms were moved; He uttered His voice, the earth melted. The Lord of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our refuge. Selah.” (Ps. 46:1-7 NKJV)
In times of uncertainty, let us abandon the cares of this life by heeding the call of this Psalm, to come to the river of God. There alone is cleansing, refreshing, healing, rest, and so much more! It is our very sustenance in this hour. Stay fully immersed and allow the water of His word to wash over you. God is releasing an abundance of grace; there is more peace and joy awaiting you as you turn your eyes upon Jesus. I am very, very grateful for the fruit that is springing forth in the Body of Christ. We have prayed more corporately and have come to see that the Kingdom of God is advancing through tenacity, strength and persistence. We are being called to remain positioned as citizens of heaven and warriors on the earth. These challenges have made us resolute in our faith and our concern for injustices all around us. Many of us have come to an understanding of our assignments and we are no longer living from church service to church service, but our hearts have begun to burn with a new passion for the harvest and the maturation of the saints. I have been asking the Lord what is on His heart. Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever.
SO WE WILL CONTINUE TO STAND ON THE WALL! We will keep interceding for truth and justice in the nation and the nations of the earth. We will keep our eyes fixed upon Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith. When we need refreshing, we remember the river of God! The invitation is always there! My family, friends and partners, my desire this Christmas is that you will have a joyous holiday and for blessings to be upon each of your homes and loved ones. Let’s march into 2021 as worship warriors and see the goodness of the Lord! Merry Christmas, Ruth John 10:10
“The thief comes to steal, kill and destroy, but I have come that they may have life and have it to the full.” (NIV) “The thief ‘shepherd’ has no other agenda but to steal, kill and he couldn’t care less if he ‘lost some sheep.’ I have come with the sole purpose for you to have life in its most complete form.” (Mirror) “A thief has only one thing in mind – he wants to steal, slaughter and to destroy. But I have come to give you everything in abundance, more than you expect – life in its fullness until you overflow!” (TPT) Though the earth be shaken, “There is a river whose streams delight the city of God, the Holy Place, where the Most High dwells. (Ps. 46:4) God has established a safe haven for us to experience safety, rest, refreshing, and refuge: The River of God. The constraint of God is vastly different from the restrictions of man. God is jealous for us! I admonish you in this season to avoid foolish arguments and anger that does NOT achieve the righteousness of God. (Jam 1:20) God is holding us tightly in this hour to help us maintain heavenly perspectives. Do not resent his bridle. “Look at the birds of the air. They do not toil for provision, nor are they worried about tomorrow. They are wind driven.” (Matt. 6:26) What a glorious picture of what our life should look like - life, freedom, and simplicity! They know the direction of the wind. They listen and hear a low frequency sound coming from an approaching storm a day in advance and take refuge. We are like the birds of the air. The river is symbolic of Holy Spirit. The wind is symbolic of Holy Spirit. What refuge and peace! Evangelism is to simply invite people into the river. The wind is a picture of navigation, discernment, direction, and atmosphere. Simply stay close! During unusual times of confusion, we ARE the peacemakers. We ascend and stay positioned. Jump on in! When you hear the heavens sound, be wind driven. What glorious provision and refuge. I would admonish you my partners and friends to re-evaluate your thought life, daily activities and who you allow to speak into your life. Sean Hannity (I really do like him) nor Dr. Fauci lead me nor speak into my world. God’s written and revelatory word have the final say! Rise above the storm! Grace, peace, hope, and love, Ruth Spring has sprung! Has spring sprung? For many of us, we missed March, April, and now May. Trying to navigate through unchartered territory has become our song. I am reminded of the children of Israel journeying through the desert with no understanding as to how to acclimate to a place that was completely unfamiliar. Their only guidance came from the cloud by day and the fire by night. And so here we are.
There are moments I choose to believe that the government has our best interests at heart and at any moment Stein Mart will reopen and I can buy myself a birthday outfit with the cash that still sits on my dresser. That thought becomes very distant as the days pass. But still we wait. I must admit unashamedly that I have found peace and contentment on my own personal journey in the wilderness wanderings. I am experiencing a personal “reset.” What about you? Are you grumbling and complaining? If so, ask yourself, “Has God changed? Does He not see? And is He not sovereign?” Jeremiah 17:7 says, “Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, and whose hope is the Lord. For he will be like a tree planted by the waters, which spreads out its roots by the river, and will not fear when the heat comes but its leaf will be green, and will not be anxious in the year of drought. Nor cease from yielding fruit.” Some prophets have said, “This is a forced Sabbath.” I tend to agree. Did God cause the calamity and Covid-19? Absolutely NOT. I will never stop believing that my God is good and so, so kind. But has God allowed us to discern the moving of the cloud and the fire? YES! The reset in my journey has caused me to gain a few pounds as I spend much of my day in intercession, worship, and journaling. And what about you? My personal submission is not to the Governor’s mandate, but to choose to use this time revisiting my life’s purpose. I have found that I love His presence more and more. My prophetic words are not as important as silence in this season. The Lord spoke to me over a month ago that He was raising up an underground prayer movement, and there was a clarion call to awaken one million intercessors across the earth. Now that is earth shattering! We will be ushering in the new era that has been prophesied, and perhaps it has come from this place of global panic and hysteria. We serve a King and a Kingdom that cannot be shaken. As good soldiers let’s not become entangled in the affairs of everyday life (2 Timothy 2:3). So, my prophetic insight is this: We will recover but with a new sobriety and perspective on our purpose and what is really important--God, family, fellowship, and service. Not much has changed. There is really nothing new under the sun. Stand for truth. The frustrations we may experience over the conflicting voices will eventually be revealed. Everything that can be shaken shall be shaken. You are being called to find yourself once again, hidden in Christ. Reset and re-emerge as one who is sure of their identity, their life’s purpose, and with a stronger discernment of the ways of God. Each day look to the cloud and during the night, the fire. This season shall pass and hopefully we as a people will re-emerge stronger and more purposeful in our mission. Is. 61 says, “The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me, because the Lord has anointed me to preach good tidings to the poor, He sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives and the opening of the prison to those who are bound, to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord and the day of vengeance of our God, to comfort all who mourn, to console those who mourn in Zion, to give them beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness, that they may be called trees of righteousness, the planting of the Lord, that He will be glorified.” Loving Him and You, Ruth and Impact Ministry We need to stand in the council of the Lord; what a test for the people of God and His prophetic voices! Can we still tap into the pure word of the Lord on this world crisis or be hindered by our own fears and public hysteria? In the midst of my own personal crisis, trust is what is at the core in this moment in time; not only for me but all believers. This is a road many have never walked down before, so I say:
It is time for us to TRUST It is time for us to WAIT upon the Lord It is time for us to WORSHIP It is time to LOVE our neighbors It is time to decree PEACE to the universal storm. God is in our tomorrows, so hold steady. Listen intently for the PURE word of the Lord, unbiased by emotions and worldly input. Let’s post and encourage our community with scriptures, prophetic insight and words of wisdom. Meditate on Psalm 91, Jeremiah 29:11, and Romans 8:28. Loving Him and you! |
AuthorRuth Mangiacapre Archives
June 2024
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