As I reflect on the past 12 months, I am amazed at all the Lord has done with Impact Ministries. I have maintained the original mandate to IMPACT people, churches, and nations. · I Intercession as the foundation of all we do · M Mentoring and modeling the life of Jesus through work of Holy Spirit · P Prophetic training in integrity and solid biblical truths · A Activation and equip the church to hear the voice of God · C Conferences to gather and to counsel in the ways of God · T Teaching revelation and present-day truth I have and continue to raise up prophetic leaders and take teams to assist in prophetic training in other churches. The Lord opened amazing doors this year to take hold of lead positions in global ministries. Being part of the apostolic work of my wonderful home base, New Day Church High Point, has enabled and empowered me to rise to the challenge. I am forever grateful to my pastors Mike and Debbie Sirianni for their leadership and wisdom. I am also part of the leadership of Shiloh Global Prophetic Company under the leadership of Stacey Campbell. I have led international prayer online and led intercessory teams on assignment several times to Washington DC; most recently, the Million Women Movement. God has connected us with influential people in Hollywood and with Canadian prophets to support their ministries in prayer and encouragement. As I write this, I am flying to Ottowa to meet leaders. I have also recently accepted the position of USA Women on the Frontlines, founded by James and Michael Ann Goll, then passed to Patricia King, and now Wendy Peter leads as International Director. I love team building and am working with several amazing regional leaders. Our mission is to mentor, equip, train, and mobilize women in their spheres of influence. My decision was greatly influenced as I went to Thailand and Cambodia and worked firsthand with human trafficking victims. As a result, we were able to raise $15,000.00 to fund the cafe where girls can find employment and get off the streets. I am fully committed to the mission of working and supporting those who are tirelessly laboring day in and day out in the streets of High Point, San Antonio, Phnom Penn, and Bangkok. I have had many, many wonderful donors who gave so very generously to help fund the work to eradicate this present-day crisis. I continue to mentor and host coffee chats and prophetic nights with my partners. People are at the heart of the gospel. The Lord has spoken to me to not be “task oriented,” but “people oriented.” The greatest ministry we will ever do is first and foremost to the Lord Himself, and then to the person in front of us. Jesus is our model. At the core of who I am is family. I bless you to remember the table of the Lord as you gather this month for the holidays. Create a atmosphere of His presence. I am so grateful for Donna Key as she keeps me focused and organized! She is a faithful and gifted psalmist, as well as my administrator. My many intercessors are gifts to me, as well as all of you! It is not corny, but Jesus really, really is the reason for this and every season!!! Much love and gratitude, Ruth I delayed writing as there was so much turmoil swirling around, and I could not seem to focus my mind on things above. It is during times like this that we stand on “it is written.” Thankfully, I had enough clarity to worship Him. As a “feeler” prophet, I need to take much needed space to reset and gain proper perspective.
As I write this, I do so from my home in High Point, a few hours away from the majestic mountains of North Carolina. So many friends live in devastation and thankfully they have all survived, but many without their homes. In times of chaos and uncertainty on so many fronts, you begin to understand that life is but a vapor, and what seems to be important in one season can seem so insignificant in another. For many months, the Lord had been preparing my heart. I could not quire discern it at the time, but He spoke a word to me this past spring. He said, “Don’t be task oriented, be people oriented.” I would tell others that I was called to love the person in front of me. The once weightiness of taking on a national ministry, in addition to serving others, has become clearer in the last month. I am being reduced to just being a love vessel. We need prophets who love unconditionally, speak truth in love, and prophesy the heart of God not just from a gift. They can walk away from the limelight to serve humanity. The beauty of the gospel is demonstrated in the man who walked the earth feeding the multitudes and suffering much shame and ridicule for you and me to have the ultimate role model. I am humbled beyond words that I fall short so many times; yet the love of God is the most powerful force on the earth, and very few understand the simplicity of letting God in the deep places of the heart. So how shall we live in these perilous times? We are called to live above the snake line, gain heaven’s perspective, and discipline our minds to live in the superior realm. We often boast that we are supernatural people, yet we hold onto patterns of thinking that cause us to react as the world does. There has been a clarion call to take the time to be still, reset, and let the Ruach Breath of God fill you with all that you need in this hour. It is imperative as believers to keep your lamps full. There is an unending supply of fresh oil, fresh fire, and most importantly the Father’s embrace to keep you in peace and joy despite sorrow and despair all around. We will be the safe place. This is the power to transform society. Perhaps our prayers for revival are being answered in a way we did not expect. I saw a man rescuing a woman and a baby from a car about to move downstream in the flood. Boots on the ground have been our mantra. Perhaps this is that; just a thought. Like the flight attendant tells you when you’re about to fly, put on your own oxygen mask before you put one on someone else. So, my prophetic word to you is quite simple. You are God’s chosen vessel in this hour. Let God lavish so much love on you that you have more than enough to release to others with simple acts of kindness and the demonstration of signs and wonders. Let Holy Spirit lead the way. Hold things very loosely in this hour so you can swiftly change courses if necessary. There is an increase in discernment and understanding as we move forward. We will need it in the hour in which we live. Do not forsake gathering with the body. We have been placed here IN this hour and FOR this hour. Holy Spirit is always right alongside empowering us, leading us, and releasing heaven’s perspective. I bless you to see, hear, and be strengthened with power in your inner man. I stand with the apostle Paul and decree this to you. “And I pray that He would pour out over you the unlimited riches of His glory and favor until supernatural strength floods your innermost being with His divine might and explosive power. When your spiritual strength increases you will be empowered to discover what every holy one experiences-the great magnitude of the astonishing love of Christ in all its dimensions. How deeply intimate and far and reaching is his love! How enduring and inclusive it is! Endless love beyond measurement, beyond academic knowledge, this extravagant love pours into you until you are filled to overflowing with the fullness of God. Eph. 3:17-19 (TPT) Blessings beautiful friends and partners! We are in a time where God is increasing His favor to those who live a life of gratitude!
On a family vacation with my daughter and grandson, I told her how good the Lord has been to us. She and I agreed and reminisced about His kindness through so many seasons. If you will maintain the paradigm of His kindness and goodness toward you, your life will continue to speak of His nature to those who yet know Him. As a parabolic prophet (one who has experiences through their life which unveils a prophetic message), I have come to realize that we must encourage each other to maintain vision, dreams, and divine purpose. Vision is the highest form of motivation. I have had three eye surgeries since December 2022. My retina specialist told me I had weak retinas. My vision at times became cloudy and distorted. He assures me He will see to it that I will have great eyesight if I continue to watch for the cloudiness and the blurry times. That will preach! As believers, we need to reestablish our faith journey! I listen to many who ONLY speak of perilous times, the state of the nation, and the woes since the pandemic, election, and rumors of war. While we are not ignorant of such, I want to encourage you to remember who your God is! Keep focus! Keep dreaming! Never lose vision and purpose! Acts 13:36 says, “For David, after he had served his own generation by the will of God, fell asleep.” What fulfillment! David was obedient to God’s law, worship, remembering His nature, and proclamation of God’s worthiness to anyone who would listen. His humility and courage surpassed circumstances. Watch out because our heavenly perspective can be replaced by alignment with naysayers, doomsayers, and the hopeless. Sadly, many believers fall prey to the spirit of this age. Let faith arise in your heart once again! Remember that it is not only faith in God, but the faith OF God. We are in a season of war. War for joy! War for peace! War for your dreams, vision, and fulfillment of your purpose! While we have the pneuma (creative life of God), rekindle your dreams. When the opportunity arose for me to oversee Women on the Frontlines in the United States, I could not see myself arising to meet the challenge until I began to envision new adventures in what God could do with women who truly are on the frontlines! Creative ideas began to flow. Don’t stop dreaming! They are uniquely yours and they matter! Keep moving forward advancing the Kingdom! I cheer you onward and upward! Much love, Ruth Hello wonderful partners and friends! I have been so incredibly blessed by all of you!
My recent trip to Asia was the most significant and sobering mission I have been on in my lifetime. I cannot adequately put into words how very grateful I am for your intercession, encouragement, and generosity. I felt covered, protected, and up girded. I was recently asked what my takeaways were. Hmmm, I thought. Then I realized I took away in my heart and soul every trafficked girl who called me momma and wanted to come home with me. There are significant moments in our lives that forever mark us. This trip was one of those. It was more than a missions trip. It was an encounter with the heart of God to the most vulnerable at-risk people, those who do not have a dream for a better existence. The wisdom of God came upon me when I was at a loss as to how to minister to them. It was not as easy as leading them in a prayer. Jesus was just another god to them to add to their list. It was not as easy as laying hands on them and awaiting the power of God to come upon them. But when I asked them what their dream was for their future, it was as if that became the open door. Dreaming, purpose, and vision are the highest form of motivation. So, listening to their dreams of a better life for their children, opening a hair salon, a restaurant, or writing a book became the springboard to deep conversation. Too often we don’t look at someone in their eyes, listen, and believe for them that it is possible. Telling them our path to freedom from sexual abuse and fatherlessness leveled the playing field. Jesus was the one true way out of immense darkness. We each have a story. We each make a difference in the world. I had no strategy going to Southeast Asia. I determined in my heart I would just love the one in front of me. Some embraced me and would not let go. Others were so traumatized, they just glared into space. So how do any of us change the world? Our ministry is to the person in front of us. I have served the Lord for many years and have learned a few things from the Lord along the way that really matter.
Finally, our East Coast Seer Conference was really a beautiful time of equipping, teaching, and impartation for the hour in which we live. If you were a paid registrant for the conference, by now you should have received your link to all sessions. We are so glad you were able to join us. For the rest of March and into April, my itinerary is closer to home:
Ruth (The photo is me sharing my testimony to a group of women, some prostitutes, in Cambodia.) I am writing this newsletter as I fly home from visiting family for Thanksgiving. There is no place that gives me greater joy in this life than to be in the will of God. I have never been away from home for a holiday. I have cooked a turkey for as long as I can remember; yet this past year has tested my fluidity, flexibility, and comfort level. I found myself in situations that stretched my ability to hear, discern, and trust what God was doing.
I began 2023 on a sabbatical. In January, the Lord told me to remain hidden for eight months. Immobility is foreign to me because I am a planner, goal setter, and scheduler. God was thrusting me to learn new skills, pathways, and adventures. Each day was different. My Type A personality was threatened!! I was chastened and it felt uncomfortable saying “no” to preaching and ministering in a pulpit. My new pal was my Ipad. God allowed me to teach, mentor and pray from my home office, nothing more. In retrospect, I had become familiar with the ways of Holy Spirit, or so I thought. He was changing my perspective. Now the real adventure was beginning. I could identify with Abraham. He went out not knowing where he was going (Genesis 12:1-4). Last December I planned to see Phil Wickham in concert, and within hours of the concert I was having emergency eye surgery. I wondered why God did not prepare me when I purchased that ticket?!?! I made plans to see friends in Northern California, and the day before the flight I had to re-route to Florida for an extended stay due to a family emergency. I asked God the same question. “Did I miss hearing from You?” I had always trusted in my discernment, so what was this all about? The October mission trip to Brazil helped me realize that life can change in a moment and suddenly things can turn upside down with unexpected moments, surprises, and emergencies! I literally fell down an escalator that was going up! I was upside down headed up feet first! All is well, thankfully! As a prophetic voice, it can be unnerving to lose all sense of knowing, discerning, or understanding the season you find yourself in. I have learned the most beautiful lessons this past year, and I have been changed. Holy Spirit is likened unto the wind; you don’t know where it comes from, and you don’t know where it’s going (John 3). There is an ebb and flow to this life and the birds of the air understand this. They ascend to a higher plane and at times, they dovetail to the earth. They are wind driven. When you lose all sense of when your whirlwind comes, keep trusting. His Word is your anchor always. And revisit the memorial stones of your life. If you have not established God’s goodness as your paradigm, you may lose heart. Another wonderful lesson I have learned is how special my friends and family are. I am ever grateful for the people in my life. Loyal relationships are a gift. We can walk through any season when someone is holding our hand. The Body of Christ is being challenged to make the necessary adjustments to meet the challenges of the hour. We have been placed here on the earth IN this hour and FOR it. We are learning that our old navigation system is not working in this new era. I remember when I got lost several years ago and I could not use my GPS to get home because my grandson changed the settings. I called my husband, and he told me to simply follow the sun which was setting in the west. I made it home. Simply follow the Son and trust. I remember laughing often this year. The day after my fall I saw the humor in the escalator incident; it must have looked quite comical!! Joy is a gift! I had not lost my peace despite misinterpreting what He was doing. Peace is a gift! “You shall go forth with joy and be led by peace. The fields shall clip their hands.” (Is 55:12) Jesus will always have a glorious bride. The preparations may seem unnerving at times, but we were born for such a time as this! I can’t close this newsletter without thanking my family for showering me with such loving support year after year! I also want to thank my pastors, Mike and Debbie Sirianni, for always being there with words of wisdom, direction, love, and support! I also want to thank my intercessors who are always there when I have special prayer needs and concerns. I continue to work on my second book, “Prophetic Dimensions,” and hope to complete it next year. I also have a trip to Cambodia and Thailand next year, as well as a possible return to Brazil. Thank you for your prayers for these goals and opportunities. Next year I will continue the Mentoring Leadership Live each month via Zoom. Anyone is eligible to take part in this who is a recurrent giving partner of at least $10 per month. You may go to my website and the “Donate” button for ways to set up giving. I also have a monthly daytime Zoom I call “Coffee Chat with Ruth,” just for my partners. We anticipate having another prayer day at St. Francis Retreat Center in Stoneville, NC and all partners will be invited. We just had a special prophetic night for all our partners as a special Christmas gift for them. Everyone who joined the Zoom received a prophetic word from me and a member of my team. I thoroughly enjoyed making that gift available to my precious partners. And finally, please mark your calendars for February 29 – March 2 for the East Coast Seer Conference at New Day Church High Point. Special guests will be Stacey Campbell and Matt Sorger. Registration is now open, and you’ll find that information on the New Day website (www., my website ( and Impact Facebook pages. Make plans to attend this powerful conference next year! Thank you so much for your support during 2023. I cherish your friendships and prayers more than you know! I wish you and your families a Very Merry Christmas and Prosperous New Year! Love always, Ruth It is not common for me to begin a newsletter by quoting what someone else wrote, but this is a very timely and short article that I read this morning by Smith Wigglesworth.
“The only bird that dares to peck an eagle is the crow. He sits on his back and bites his neck; however, the eagle does not respond nor fight with the crow. It does not spend time nor energy on the crow. It just opens its wings and begins to rise higher in the heavens. The higher the flight, the harder it is for the crow to breathe, and then the crow just falls due to lack of oxygen.” Learn from the eagle and don’t fight the crows. Just keep ascending. We are living in an hour where many crows would love to bite our necks. They may come in the form of distractions from people close to us, weariness, unexpected mishaps, and perhaps even hopelessness. Recently I experienced several mishaps that in hindsight could have been serious, if not deadly. One was a tumble off an escalator in Brazil, and the other was a truck that ran us off the road. I did not view these as demonic attacks (or a bite on the neck from a crow). I had the opportunity situations Lord in deep gratitude for angelic protection, and I had to look deeply to find wisdom and insight in the situations. I needed heaven’s view, so ascension was the answer. I am still human, and after the initial shock of these mishaps and some bruises, I had to regroup and see the reality of His divine plan, His divine Wisdom, and the need for reevaluation. I heard it said recently from a leader that we never know the power of God until we face conflict or trials. I learned that life can take a swift and sudden turn without warning despite being prophetic. This is where we see the beauty of who He really is. He is forever our Great Shepherd. As this is the year of Psalm 23, I personally experienced a few pivotal verses becoming a NOW reality. “The Lord is my Shepherd; I shall not want.” He provided sudden help in each situation through others’ immediate intercession. “He makes me lie down in green pastures.” The Lord had me in hiding for 6 months. “He restores my soul.” He was healing my heart this year from some grief and disappointment. “Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil. You are with me!” I always felt His presence, and my two close calls were only shadows. “He prepares a table before me in the presence of my enemies.” I had His word and promises to feast on. “He anoints my head with oil.” A shepherd pours oil on the sheep’s head to keep the bugs away! “Goodness and mercy surely follow life!” I am stronger and more grateful than ever! Perspective is everything in this hour. Though gross darkness is over the earth, we are becoming brighter lights. Climb higher. Ignore the crows. We are needed in this hour. We need each other and we will even more in the days ahead. But the Great Shepherd tends to, herds, feeds, and guards His flock. Look at your life this past year in light of Psalm 23. You will be amazed at what you will discover. Much love, Ruth I so look forward to the summer months - cookouts at church and more time for writing, praying, resting, sunbathing a little bit, and family fun.
“Man plans his ways, but God directs His steps,” it says in Proverbs 16:9. In seasons of sudden twists and turns how should we be? Of course, we should be submitted, pliable and discerning. But when the winds come, the tides turn, and the unexpected comes swiftly, how should we be? The Holy Spirit is likened unto the wind. We don’t know from where it comes, and we don’t know where it goes. So is everyone who is born of the Spirit according to John 3:8. Look at the birds of the air, they neither toil nor spin. This speaks of worry. When the winds shift, can we navigate effortlessly and freely or do we toil, fear, and push against its current? On June 20, I headed to Moravian Falls for a private prayer retreat and then I planned to go to Sacramento for a few days to meet up with some friends for time at Bethel in Redding. I planned it for well over three months. I was all packed! Summer here we go! The mountain retreat was awaiting my arrival! Woo Hoo, here I come! While in the prayer cabin the morning of the 21st, I got a very unexpected text that shook me to the core. My older brother Richie had suffered a brain hemorrhage and was in critical condition in Jensen, Florida. Tears streamed down my face as I desperately wanted to go be with my family and wait this out with them! My prayer time turned into the cry, “What do I do?” I tried to wait, but that did not seem to be an option. I wanted to go home but it was pouring outside, and I was in the mountains with all its twists and turns. I waited a bit, texted a few people, and then drove home. All I knew for certain was to cancel my trip to California. My mind raced and I felt tossed in the wind. There was not a fiber in my being that was at peace. Why didn’t God tell me, prepare me, warn me not to plan the way I did? In times past there would have been a sense, a dream, a restraint…something! But there was nothing. Some prophet, huh? So, I cancelled my trip, not sure if I would recover the $750 I had already spent on the flight. It did not matter. Family mattered. And then the flight course changed. Florida was calling. A ticket was booked, but I was rerouted. Thankfully, I was already packed for hot weather. God is in the details! I spent the entire month of July with my brother every day from morning till night by his side, assisting and encouraging where I could, praying and waiting. My heart hurt to see a strong, brilliant man who took my dad’s place growing up reduced to complete dependency on others for basic needs. He needed Jesus, and perhaps I could finally lead him to the One who gives life! I watched and waited for even the smallest opportunity but there was none. The wind seemed still. So, I felt to just love, serve, and just be there. That is all. In my restraint, I learned that silence speaks louder than a multitude of words. I had been on silent mode like my phone is so often. For six months, I knew the restraint and discipline of silence. At Holy Spirit’s direction, I had not preached in a pulpit in six months. My agenda had to take a back seat to the wind of the spirit. My brother was not a project. I listened and waited. I always look for a lesson to learn or a revelation to unfold. I only knew to love. I am reminded of the book of James that says that faith without works is dead. It would have been easier for me to preach to him once again as I had so many times in the past. But helping him cut his food and comb his hair was harder. These were the works. I felt the pleasure of God on the simplest deeds. So where is this going for a newsletter, my friends? Learn to discern the wind. Sometimes it takes you on a journey upward; at other times, you dovetail downward. This is life. Be prepared for the unexpected and the opportunity to be still. Psalm 46:10 says to be still and know that He is God. Our lives are not our own. That is why the Helper has come. Discern the wind. As I am now making the descent into Newark airport, it is really choppy; however, it’s necessary to land in this particular path because it’s to our destination. In this hour, the Lord wants us to be very discerning. Discernment is our safety net. What a privilege to be invited into the life in the Spirit! We can choose to learn from all our experiences. As I look back on my summer, I would not have changed a thing. I would rather be in the will of God than choose my own path. Jesus Himself needed the Spirit. Imagine the King of Glory needing to learn the ways of the Spirit for full obedience? How much more do we! I bless you with amazing grace for a greater sensitivity to the way of the Spirit. Set your sails and go! On Passover this year I held a Seder dinner at my home for our church small group. It was something I had never done before. I had the materials and all the food items, but I was still a bit uncomfortable leading and having confidence. Thankfully, we all laughed as the dinner progressed and the small mistakes seemed so irrelevant. Grace became the overall theme of the night. The beauty of our God displayed through the Passover lamb still amazes me! Such kindness and mercy!
As I lead several prayer calls throughout the month, the overall theme seems to be the kindness of God and the simplicity of valuing His presence. This is what revivals are made of. There are times I wish I could go back in time and present the lamb of God to my children and family from that place. It has taken time and personal growth to fully embrace the freedom that Jesus brings into a life. And yet within that freedom, there is a cost. As the people of God, we have a responsibility to represent Him well. Truth and mercy must meet. Psalm 85:10 says, “Mercy and truth have met together; righteousness and peace have kissed.” “The kindness of God leads us to repentance.” Romans 2:4. I honestly believe that from my own experience, brokenness and contriteness are invaluable for longevity and fruitfulness. We need both elements at work in our lives to bring balance. As I have been challenged to reexamine my purpose, my position, and my understanding of the times in which we live, I look for adequate words to define what I am sensing. We as a prophetic people positioned on the earth for this hour have been given the responsibility to confront hard core issues, but with deep compassion and love. One of my mentors said the most loving thing we can do is to speak the truth. The truth is revealed through the Passover lamb, our Deliverer, our Helper, and our Soon Coming King. So, I am compelled by grace to speak of holiness, righteousness, and the fear of the Lord. The church has entered a new era. We have not walked this way before. I sense the shift in the Body of Christ to awaken to the beauty and reality of the mission of Jesus. Let’s be sober minded, fruitful, and more engaged in the harvest than our nice worship services and comfortable seats in the church. I love my church family, prayer, worship, and fellowship with the Body, but there is more awaiting us on the horizon. The bride is being made ready. We are in the process of the inner working of the Spirit. Motives are being revealed and we are finding ourselves more in the heat of the battle than ever before. But rest assured, we are growing in maturity and purification. Grace empowers us to walk through difficult seasons. Truth frees us to understand a Holy, yet Beautiful Savior. We would do a grave disservice to people by only camping out at His kindness. I had an encounter with the Spirit of the fear of the Lord a few years ago. I have come to love His presence; He purifies my heart. I love His word and so I detest sin. I love the work of the Spirit of Truth. He leads me to the altar. So as spring has sprung, let us wear truth and mercy as a necklace. Let us be ever so sensitive as to what the Spirit is saying as we speak grace and truth to people and the lost. The work of the Spirit is an ebb and a flow. Let us be ever so sensitive to embrace balance. Loving Him and you! Ruth There is a place in time where God instructs us to let go of everything familiar and enter unknown territory. I have found myself in such a place; what about you? I have just ended a six-week sabbatical and a 40-day communion fast. I was not looking for direction or a word for 2023, I just needed healing and rest.
While at a prophetic gathering in Dallas, I surrendered to my need for the Helper to help me process loss, busyness, and my need for self-care. I had always loved sitting at the feet of Jesus and lavishing my love on Him, but this time was different. Jesus wanted to wash MY feet. The position felt unfamiliar and uncomfortable, so I found myself unplugging from most all ministry and choosing to stay at home, coffee in hand, snuggled securely on my sofa. It was an entirely new realm of obedience; doing nothing, and without guilt! I had no agenda and little by little, the silence highlighted the things I needed for transition into the new era. I also became very aware of my need for transparency and vulnerability as a prophetic minister. Here are my takeaways as my identity became crystal clear.
I am reminded of a scene from The Chosen where Jesus rescues Peter from sinking in the sea during the storm. Peter was not looking for an assignment or a word. He fell into the arms of the Master and wept, “Jesus, never let me go,” was his cry. All he needed was security on his journey. Don’t spend time rehashing memories and the need for security of the season behind. God is doing something so new; we can only see one step at a time. Trust Him wholeheartedly. Perhaps you need a sabbatical or a time of reflection. As yourself, “Who am I? What do I value? Is Jesus enough?” Come to the table of the Lord and find rest for your soul. The Lord IS your Shepherd, which means best friend in Hebrew. Remember the importance this year of Psalm 23: Yahweh is my best friend and my shepherd. I always have more than enough. He offers a resting place for me in His luxurious love. His tracks take me to an oasis of peace near the quiet brook of bliss. That’s where He restores and revives my life. He opens before me the right path. And leads me along in His footsteps of righteousness. So that I can bring honor to His name. Even when Your path takes me through The valley of deepest darkness, Fear will never conquer me, for You already have! Your authority is my strength and my peace. The comfort of Your love takes away my fear. I’ll never be lonely, for You are near. You become my delicious feast. Even when my enemies dare to fight. You anoint me with the fragrance of Your Holy Spirit; You give me all I can drink of you until my cup overflows. So why would I fear the future? Only goodness and tender love pursue me all the days of my life. Then afterward, when my life is through, I’ll return to your glorious presence to be forever with you! I love you my partners and friends, Ruth Thank you for being in prayer over the various areas of ministry Ruth is currently involved in: Women on the Frontlines Shiloh Global - Leader of Prophetic Intercession For Such a Time as This (Abner Suarez) Daniel Company Prophetic Intercession Team New Day High Point - Leader/Mentor for Prophetic Gatherings and Schools Currently working on second book, Prophetic Dimensions” |
AuthorRuth Mangiacapre Archives
January 2025
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