When I lived in New York, I would take the subway into Manhattan to go to a Broadway play or on rare occasion a restaurant. I did not like the hustle and bustle of the city and its crowds. It was necessary to endure it, however, if I wanted to enjoy all the city had to offer. We knew when the subway was about to arrive at our station, so we moved closer to the platform to be able to get in and get a seat. There was a faint rumbling sound and a vibration under our feet and we’d prepare for it by moving closer and gathering our group to get on board.
I sense the same “rumbling” in the spirit and I am looking for those who want to board with me, so to speak. I believe there is a global movement at hand. We can feel it, sense it, and are anxious to see it unfold. What will it look like? It will be defined not by glamour or glitz or big names or pageantry. There will be no superstars, just lots of nameless and faceless lovers of Jesus who have been hiding in the shadows and waiting in the wings for a pure move of God. They will carry the essence of the love and mercy and God and will minister to the rich and poor, the backslider, the broken, and the misunderstood of society. They will be free of judgment, opinion, and religious jargon. They will arise from pews and the hidden places, responding to the cries of humanity. They have been waiting in the wings. They have prayed in the secret place. They have been humbled by their own sin and shortcomings. They have allowed the Lord to mend them, mold them, and they cry for truth! They do not want more of the same Sunday morning sermons; they want Jesus! They want to see the blind eyes opened and the dead raised. They will be marked by the presence of Jesus and will speak out against injustices. They will not hold signs, but will demonstrate signs and wonders! In churches that preach Jesus and where His presence and His power are demonstrated through love, their numbers will explode. Churches will begin to work together in regions. Apostolic Centers will arise where none exist. Prayer houses and worship centers will rejoice! They have carried the vision and burden for many years and their labor is not in vain! Will you and I continue to incline our ears to the rumbling? Stay focused! Disengage from unnecessary chatter and clamour! God has been dealing with our hearts, motives, and our commitment to Him when no one was looking. I want His Glorious Bride to represent Him well. I want the Church to stand strong in the midst of chaos. Let us purpose in our hearts to proclaim what the Apostle Paul said in 1 Corinthians 2:1-5 (TPT) “My brothers and sisters, when I first came to proclaim to you the secrets of God, I refused to come as an expert, trying to impress you with my eloquent speech and lofty wisdom. For while I was with you I was determined to be consumed with one topic—Jesus, the crucified Messiah. I stood before you feeling inadequate, filled with reverence for God, and trembling under the sense of the importance of my words. The message I preached and how I preached it was not an attempt to sway you with persuasive arguments but to prove to you the almighty power of God’s Holy Spirit. For God intended that your faith not be established on man’s wisdom but by trusting in his almighty power.” Loving Him and You, Ruth
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AuthorRuth Mangiacapre Archives
June 2024
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