There is a place in time where God instructs us to let go of everything familiar and enter unknown territory. I have found myself in such a place; what about you? I have just ended a six-week sabbatical and a 40-day communion fast. I was not looking for direction or a word for 2023, I just needed healing and rest.
While at a prophetic gathering in Dallas, I surrendered to my need for the Helper to help me process loss, busyness, and my need for self-care. I had always loved sitting at the feet of Jesus and lavishing my love on Him, but this time was different. Jesus wanted to wash MY feet. The position felt unfamiliar and uncomfortable, so I found myself unplugging from most all ministry and choosing to stay at home, coffee in hand, snuggled securely on my sofa. It was an entirely new realm of obedience; doing nothing, and without guilt! I had no agenda and little by little, the silence highlighted the things I needed for transition into the new era. I also became very aware of my need for transparency and vulnerability as a prophetic minister. Here are my takeaways as my identity became crystal clear.
I am reminded of a scene from The Chosen where Jesus rescues Peter from sinking in the sea during the storm. Peter was not looking for an assignment or a word. He fell into the arms of the Master and wept, “Jesus, never let me go,” was his cry. All he needed was security on his journey. Don’t spend time rehashing memories and the need for security of the season behind. God is doing something so new; we can only see one step at a time. Trust Him wholeheartedly. Perhaps you need a sabbatical or a time of reflection. As yourself, “Who am I? What do I value? Is Jesus enough?” Come to the table of the Lord and find rest for your soul. The Lord IS your Shepherd, which means best friend in Hebrew. Remember the importance this year of Psalm 23: Yahweh is my best friend and my shepherd. I always have more than enough. He offers a resting place for me in His luxurious love. His tracks take me to an oasis of peace near the quiet brook of bliss. That’s where He restores and revives my life. He opens before me the right path. And leads me along in His footsteps of righteousness. So that I can bring honor to His name. Even when Your path takes me through The valley of deepest darkness, Fear will never conquer me, for You already have! Your authority is my strength and my peace. The comfort of Your love takes away my fear. I’ll never be lonely, for You are near. You become my delicious feast. Even when my enemies dare to fight. You anoint me with the fragrance of Your Holy Spirit; You give me all I can drink of you until my cup overflows. So why would I fear the future? Only goodness and tender love pursue me all the days of my life. Then afterward, when my life is through, I’ll return to your glorious presence to be forever with you! I love you my partners and friends, Ruth Thank you for being in prayer over the various areas of ministry Ruth is currently involved in: Women on the Frontlines Shiloh Global - Leader of Prophetic Intercession For Such a Time as This (Abner Suarez) Daniel Company Prophetic Intercession Team New Day High Point - Leader/Mentor for Prophetic Gatherings and Schools Currently working on second book, Prophetic Dimensions”
I really sense God is bringing a major shift in how we do church and how we do life. Some of us are going to have to lay down even our gifts because it's not about words anymore, it's about impartation. Everything is going to happen in the atmosphere. There are going to be sovereign moves in the atmosphere. There is so much angelic activity that you can just sit in your chair, discern what's happening, and receive what you need. So, there's going to be a restraining of gifts, even vocal gifts. God alone can do it God; can do anything and that's His best. We've shifted into a new era. We're trying to discern what it is and it's God and God alone.
We have to surrender all the tools that we use, all the worship. I'm not saying we won't worship, I'm not saying we won't have gifts, but the primary way God is going to minister to His people is going to be so sovereign that it'll pull you into such a depth of intimacy and understanding of His heart that it will strip us of the need for attention, the need for affirmation, the need for anything but Jesus and Jesus alone. There are sovereign moves; there is sovereignty this morning, and everything that was said was the Lord. Trust me, I'm a prophet, but the Lord has silenced me these last few months and I was trying to discern in my heart what is going on. But you know, the more that we trust, the more we rest, the more we see. I had a dream last night and people were coming over to me and they were prophesying over me and I said, “I don't need a prophetic word, I need impartation.” Impartation is the substance of the life of God that will resurrect every dead thing in us. I believe there are angelic hosts, there are so many angels. There are fire angels in the atmosphere, there are healing angels, there are glory angels in the atmosphere. COME LORD JESUS AND DO WHAT ONLY YOU ALONE CAN DO!! |
AuthorRuth Mangiacapre Archives
January 2025
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